Sentier des Fours et des Fontaines (Corbel)

Recently our local newspaper advertised their magazines on hiking and biking trails in our department and the neighboring ones. I bought two issues that cover Isère, Drôme, Ardeche, Vaucluse, Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Hautes-Alpes, and Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (not so neighboring one, though). The information covered about the trails includes a short description of […]

Easter hikes — Cascade des Dioux & Cabane Forestière du Manival

We have not done much hiking this Spring since we were training for last weekend’s half-marathon race, which only Tomi ran. So, the good weather streak still continuing, we were looking forward to some easy Easter weekend  hikes, the first  to a waterfall on Plateau-des-Petites-Roches in Sain-Hilaire-du-Touvet on Sunday (6.30K […]