Tour du Mont Rachais

(October 6, 2018) It is nice when you plan the weekend according to the weather forecast, and the weather actually turns out exactly like predicted. For this weekend, Saturday was supposed to be warm and sunny, and Sunday chillier and rainy. And that’s how it has been so far. Therefore, we planned a longish hike for Saturday, taking us around Mont Rachais (1046m) on Chartreuse. The route followed Wider Classic’s (a running series) 19-kilometer Le Tour du Mont Rachais running route. It was not a spectacular route judged by the scenery, but it is kind of luxury to have access to the mountains directly from our doorstep. And the Fall colors have just started to brighten up.

The highest point en route was 1021 meters at the 10.3-kilometer mark. The hike was quite  easy but it had some very steep uphill sections, especially in the first half. The downside of those climbs was that each one of them was followed by a downhill.