Tour de la Villette from Theys

We can’t believe it has been only one week since the third lockdown started. So, here we were again yesterday trying to figure out where to go hiking within the 10-kilometer radius from home. We picked Theys on the other side of the valley a bit further north from us (we have been there before on our bicycles). The town itself was almost exactly 10 kilometers away but our hiking route took us a bit farther. We did not meet a person during our  hike (11.8K in 4h, D+/D- 600m).

We planned a prolonged version of the hiking route ‘Tour de la Villette’, but got lost half way on the route to Plan de la Malade that we were following. The weather was quite drab, chilly and windy; we could see our shadows faintly just for a couple of short moments. The town of Theys looked quite charming, though, despite the weather.

The castle (bottom row second from right) is (probably) from 15th century, and today hosts a post office. The entrance to the castle is decorated with local stone from Allevard that is naturally purple.

(UPDATE 12/4: Two days after this hike, it snowed in Theys and the slopes around it)