The summer is finally here

We had a very sunny January, but thereafter the Spring has been dull with cloudy days and a lot of  rain. Therefore, we have not done much hiking. We started a marathon training program instead, this time with a more modest goal in mind; we have been following a sub 5-hour training plan since the beginning of April.

This long weekend is the first one for a long time with the promise of sun on all three days. So, on the eve of our long run we went for a hike in the lower Belledonne range. We drove to the Foyer de ski de fond du Barioz and planned to do almost the same hike we did in snow-shoes in December a couple of years ago. This time we took a gentler route up — because of the long run on the following day. (In the winter time ski tracks run on that gentler route and all other access is prohibited).  Because this was a relatively easy hike (10.3K in 3h, D+/D- 470m) and not too long a drive away from Grenoble, it was also quite crowded, especially by families with (a lot of) kids, but also by older folks. Anyway, it was a great hike, and we were happy to be back on the mountains, especially when the days are becoming hotter and hotter — it was +33°C when we were back in the town at about 5pm.

(We still skipped the long run the following day, and moved it to Monday’s public holiday).