Fall vacation: Five cheeses of Auvergne (Part 4)

Auvergne produces five world-renowned PDO (Protected Designation of Origin, in French Appellation d’origine protégée, AOP) cheeses: Saint-Nectaire, Cantal, Salers, Fourme d’Ambert, and Bleu d’Auvergne. The last two are blue cheeses. More information can be found here. It was raining in the morning, so we skipped hiking and went for a […]

Fall vacation: Saint-Martin-Cantalès and Salers with no glimpse of Puy Mary (Part 2)

Villages of Saint-Martin-Cantalès This was an easy and more scenic hike (11.15K in 3h 10mins, D+/D- 308m) starting from the little village of Saint-Martin-Cantalès, and passing through or by several others. There are no pictures of them since they basically consisted of just one or two houses, and there was […]