Second Fall Hike 2015 – Sommet de la Grande Sure via le Col de la Grande Vache

Unlike in the last weekend’s hike, when we saw just two people and no animals (at least mammals), this Sunday (November 08) we saw heards of people and animals. The climb to the top of la Grande Sure (1920m) was pretty populated.

We took a longer detour back to the starting place. We did not meet any hikers but three groups of deer or alpine ibex; it was hard to see, which kind of animals exactly, since they were far away, moving fast, and perfectly camouflaged against the slope.

The highest peak in Chartreuse range, Chamechaude, above in the middle picture. The peak, la Grande Sure, that we just climbed on the left.
The road to the trailhead had been closed because of some road works, so we had an extra four kilometers to walk in the beginning to reach the trailhead and in the end to get back to our car. We finished our 24 kilometers of hiking/climbing in 9 hours and 50 minutes and it was already dark when we walked back to our car. Fortunately we had brought the headlamps with us.