Running in lockdown

Except one or two days we have gone running every day of the week during this lockdown. We have only skipped our morning run when we thought it is a good idea to go to the supermarket right when it opens. But that was not a good idea, since most people had thought the same way. We’ve even gone running when it has been raining, although there only has been a couple of such days — we have had mostly sunshine during the whole lockdown!

What we are missing, are the long runs. Since we are allowed to go out to exercise only once a day, for one hour, and within one kilometer from our home, it is difficult to cram in a long run. Technically 10 kilometers is the maximum, but practically more like 8.5 kilometers, given that there are traffic lights (but fortunately no traffic) in each direction, and cobblestone sidewalks and streets around here don’t make a good running surface. We are not only looking forward to longer runs, but the possibility of going running farther from home. This neighborhood has gotten really boring in the past few weeks.

Here are some random photos of us running around the world, in places we have lived or travelled: