Lockdown is over — sort of

The strict lockdown restrictions under which we have been for a month were lifted today: the radius from home within which we are allowed to do any (individual) outdoor activity was increased from one kilometer to twenty, and the time limit from one hour to three hours. So, we did not hesitate to exploit the opportunity, especially when the weather forecast was quite promising: some fog in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the clouds were higher than we expected (we thought we would be above them), and the sun came out quite late.

Again we chose the Eastern slopes of Vercors for our hiking destination, although this time much closer to home. The three-hour limit is quite restrictive if we want to have a longer hike, since driving to most places take at least 30 minutes. So, after today’s hike (5.95km in 2h 25mins, D+/D- 478m) we were back home 30 minutes late. We are planning another adventure tomorrow!

The next step in lifting the lockdown measures and allowing people to leave for Christmas/Winter vacation will happen on December 15. Thereafter we will be allowed to travel freely within the country. However, restaurants and bars will stay closed — unless they sell take-out or do home delivery — until mid-January. We’ll see … I think everyone is expecting a third wave in the Spring 🙁