La Sure

We have been fortunate to have had wonderful weather most of this Summer and the beginning of the Fall, and when it has been not so good  it has happened during the weekdays, and weekends have been nice. And so it was again this past weekend. We dedicated Saturday to our home improvement works — who said you need to own a house to have ongoing unfinished projects here and there? — and on Sunday went hiking to Northern Vercors: from Le Plateau de la Molière to La Sure (1643m) and back. It was a very easy hike of little more than 10 kilometers with 418m of ascent and descent, with splendid views to Chartreuse and Belledonne mountain ranges.

Some delicate Fall colors were already emerging, but mostly it was very green and lush, which is a bit surprising since it has rained so little. Well, of course it rains more on the mountain than in the town.

We found an excellent lunch spot by the top of the ski lift, only to realize that we had forgotten to pack our sandwiches. If we had had our lunch, we probably would have walked longer, but we were hungry and returned to the car. Luckily we had taken a couple of energy gels with us.

The webcam by the ski lift recorded our unfortunate discovery of no sandwiches.