
Yesterday we did the second trip to buy articles of ‘première nécessité’ at the gardening shop, Paquet Jardin,  that recently partially reopened. We needed potting soil and clay pebbles in order to pot a couple of herbs we had bought previously. We also bought more plants, a coriander and a couple of chilis, and a few Bördy’s, clever watering reservoirs for our indoor plants.

Then we spent the afternoon potting the plants on our warm, +26C, balcony. Now we can only hope that it will rain soon, not only to water the plants but to get rid of all the pollen in the air. Since no one is currently traveling anywhere, the cars in our  parking lot are covered with fine yellow powder.

We also tended to some of the household plants that did not fare well. We got a couple of new companions to this red flower, who had inhabited its pot alone for a long time — its previous neighbors died last summer when we were on a bicycle tour.