Fall vacation: Laroquebrou from Saint-Étienne-Cantalès (Part 3)

On this hike (13.4K in 3h 30mins, D+/D- 360m) we expected a different scenery since it was going to be at the lower altitude by the lake, far from the mountains. Actually this hike almost did not happen at all; as soon as we reached our car and started driving from Aurillac, heavy rain began. We just thought it was going to be a car washing trip; the parking lot where we had been parking was under tall trees that attracted a lot of birds, and those birds had made quite a mess. However, the luck was on our side, it was not raining in Saint-Étienne-Cantalès, but the sun was coming out. But it had been raining, since the trails were quite muddy. Again, most of the time the trail traveled in the shade. This time we would have preferred more sunny spots, since the wind was quite chilly.

Nothing much to write about this day. We had lunch sandwiches in the medieval village of Laroquebrou (La Ròca Brau in Occitan) before taking a shortcut back to the departure place.