21st day of lockdown

We here in France have been in home confinement for three weeks now, since the French government extended the lockdown by two weeks. The regulations are still the same: we are allowed to leave home only for necessary shopping and to do physical individual exercise once a day for one hour within one kilometer from home. We are also allowed to see a doctor, although many doctors now offer virtual consulting, or walk a dog — we are not planning to get one!

This past weekend we found out that if there is anything positive about this lockdown it is the absence of cars — we can safely go running on the downtown streets and not be worried about being hit by a car — or a bicycle, or a scooter, or another runner. And running we go every morning at sunrise. The weather has been gorgeous for these three weeks, and the air quality in the town is also so much better now; we can actually see the mountains around us.