1er Championnat de Biathlon du Dauphine

Today we spent a few hours watching future martinfourcades and mariedorinhaberts in the making in regional biathlon championships at Col de Porte biathlon stadium. There were four race categories: U12 and U14, both with mixed relay of 3 biathletes, and U10 and U16, with single mixed relay with one shooting. All shootings were in the prone position from 10 meters. Because of the biathletes’ young age, they did not carry guns while skiing and they had race marshalls load them for them.

The U12 race was almost over when we arrived. U14 starting here. In each category, just like in adult relays, the girls started first. However, some teams were all female.

There were a lot of penalties in the first shooting. Overall, the girls had more clean shootings than the guys.

U16 starting next.

These teenagers were pretty fast.

The last category to start were U10, girls again first.

For some reason, many of the youngest skiiers did not want to use their poles. This boy had a very unique (and funny!) style, holding the other pole forward as if fighting something.

This girl was probably the youngest on the course, but she did not come last!

This was a nice way to spend the Easter monday morning in the beautiful Chartreuse park. Unfortunately, the weather was not the loveliest; the temperature was just above zero and it was raining most of the time. However, the biathletes and their support teams did not seem to mind.