- Online or offline surveys and questionnaires to
- measure various aspects of human cognitive or social behavior, specializing in decision making and risk-taking, trust behavior, and deception.
- assess customer or employee satisfaction.
We can implement a questionnaire with questions provided by you, or design and implement one from scratch to meet your goals, and tailored to your target audience.
- Data analysis
- Modeling
- computational modeling of (human) cognition, e.g., connectionist networks, symbolic models, mathematical models.
- building models from data, e.g., probabilistic graphical Bayesian models.
Tools we use
- Java, C, Python, Pearl, (Matlab)
- Inquisit, Qualtrics, Limesurvey
- R, MS Excel
- PYMC3, pytorch
If you think we can be of help to you or your company/business, please use the following form to contact us.